So it's been interesting these past few weeks. Between both of us working and getting adjusted to the new house it's been kinda fun! I've cooked super at least 3 times but that's better than nothing. Between my work schedule and his anytime we get to spend together is amazing!! Night time is the best, There's nothing like getting off work and just having a few hours to chill with the man I love before I hit the sheets! However a lot of this wouldn't be possible without the help from our families of course! My parents pretty much moved all of my stuff in one day, even tho it took us a few days to get everything put up the way we wanted it. The only thing we have now is all the boxes we have to get rid of! but everything is the way I want it! I have to thank my mom tho she pretty much made my kitchen a kitchen between all of the cookware and potholders!
It's nice to be able to call a house a home! and the fact that it's ours makes it a million times better =)
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