Saturday, January 29, 2011

WHOREable screamo band....

Jill-"I want to learn to scream like that....(RAWR)"
*We both busted out laughing*
Jill-"wow I just embarresed myself"
Me-"what would we name our band"
Jill-"Horible screamo band"
Me- "No WHOREable screamo band, because ya know I'm apperantly a whore"

*Wonder twin powers activate*

There's a reason I love Fridays so much and there names are Jillian and Iris... there's way to many memories and stupid lame quotes we say! I enjoy "Our days" they make the world go round... even if I spend most of them being an emotions girl who obviously doesn't know how to drive... but I must say THANK YOU to my BFF for always being there and listening to me when I have my nervous breakdowns in the car on a daily basis! lol!! and I do love how our 1 day a week has turned into 2 days a week who know's pretty soon it could be 3 days... =) and I must not forget our dance parties with the little rugrat... I love that lil bit she makes me realize life isn't that bad, being all joyful and careless.. takes me back to the good old days when we didn't have anything to worry about or do!

*So you should keep an eye out for our CD =)

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